Get out of my escape pod you bearded bitch!
Get out of my escape pod you bearded bitch!
I think Keith Ledger should play him.
G Love?
I just noticed you left homeboy out. C'mon, Philidephonic is legendary.
Good show…
…mentioning Gomez. I was just listening to their first album "Bring It On" today. I have to say, it is the only one I really like. I heard they recorded it themselves. When they got picked up, the label kept it as their first. I must also add, that if I don't listen to their newer albums, their live shows…
St. Ives is shampoo.
Montani Semper Liberi
I try, really I do
but I can't get excited about any of the bands on AV Club. They are just boring.
John Denver was so full of shit. The Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah River are in Virginia. The better Virginia went west.
I guess I was asking for this ridicule by saying anything positive about WV.
Ghost dad?
Good point.
you are
I recall renting this movie without ever hearing of it when I was 14. Blew me away.
F Yes
Spurlock is a positive role model for all West Virginians. Thanks Morgan, for showing the nation we are not all dumb rednecks in this great yet troubled state! Score one for the Dub-V!
Au, Poop
I really almost never like the music featured on the AV Club. I guess I'm too engrossed with the awesome West Virginia music scene to care about these hipster musicians.
What is worse?
Being fat or being a drug addict?
I think so. It has an image of a female human getting bunged on the cover.
He plays the WV state fair every summer. I know for a fact he's playing this year.
I'll follow your site plug with my own.
Drawn Together = worst animated show ever.