
This was a really fun episode. The flavor is light, optimistic, giving a lot of forward momentum while also building the backlog of supervillains for the final act of the season, which will be awesome awesome awesome.

Sorry, but the review is way too harsh. The show is silly, but it's (mostly) fun, plotted in a way that's predictable but that keeps things moving—and keeps connections between plotlines humming. FitzSimmons, in particular, are hilarious, even when they've got bad lines (which isn't nearly all of the time). And the

There are A TON of throughlines for the season, Skye’s parents, May’s backstory as the Cavalry, the romantic dodecahedron of Simmons-Fitz-Skye-Ward-May (only Coulson is left out), Ward’s older brother. At this point, some people will scream OF COURSE WARD’S OLDER BROTHER WAS THE GUY AT THE THING THAT MAY HAD TO KILL

When Don tells Joan that he thought she'd be relieved, he really means that she won't have to hide in his office, drinking his booze, having an emotion. Outta sight outta freakin' mind.

…and my HOPS!!!

…and my HOPS!!!