Fly Rodder

Rafi is a wonderful character, but he's only truly effective in small doses.

@avclub-ab60729bcbd8293eb5f31e5077c29049:disqus I wonder if the common belief among engineering types that they're also smarter and more rational than everyone else also fits into this.

@avclub-74f7a71ee2b66500bff752ae84ce358d:disqus Because it had never been done before was the only reason it succeeded.

@avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus And who was running the Iran CIA office during that overthrow? Kermit Roosevelt, grandson of Teddy.

I really dislike crowds.  For the most part if it's an outdoor venue, I can get comfortable off to the side or in the back.

The bigger thing I took from that episode is that after Hank and Gomie film the interview, and Jesse tells them everything, they go out on the balcony and talk it over.  When they come back in, Hank is looking over the camera and asks Gomie for another SD card.  Presumably to replace the missing one that Jesse removed

Miley Cyrus was painful to watch, some 20 year olds on So You Think You Can Dance this season have performed much sexier and provocative performances.

I couldn't tell if it was identical to her audition piece or if she had made some changes based on her experiences to date.

I think that Paul was the most complete dancer left of the three, but he just can't stop grinning during his dances and it's off-putting.  Hayley, IMO, never did enough to really push her personality to the forefront, but she's an exceptional dancer.

That looks about right.  An interesting true life mystery that hasn't been sufficiently exploited in pop culture yet?  Done!

That's law school.

@avclub-a171d9b078d8fd668b699188db001042:disqus really?  I had zero sympathy for Jane.  She was a recovering addict that relapsed and started pushing Jesse over the edge and then turned greedy when she found out about the money.

@avclub-61938d93498e7f0ed5e6527b1cee656a:disqus It's much more than his job at this point.  Hank is hellbent on beating Heisenberg.

@avclub-ef331994b3a2a109cb06ef07f4e51ec3:disqus Especially when all Hank has for evidence is a book with initials in it and a drawing on a post-it note of a bearded man in sunglasses.  IANAL, but I'm not sure the Whitman book could even be used as evidence.

There was an episode that I remember where someone other than Scrooge tried diving in the money and just smashed into it.  Scrooge had a mutant ability to swim in money.

I like procedurals as a nice tidy 41 minutes of basic story telling.  It doesn't have to be complicated.  The original CSI is still entertaining to me.  I don't expect it to be Breaking Bad or even average.

Was a law passed that required Paul Rudd to appear in every film?

I was surpised that Amy was in the bottom three.


They're losing money because labels are charging them fees for use that don't reflect the eroding prices.  An album just isn't worth $15 anymore and the labels can stamp their feet all day long and say that it is, but that is about as effective as me yelling at the sun to stay down.