Fly Rodder

Pretty much. My buddy would be perfectly happy if copyright protection was passed down from generation to generation forever and a day. His reasoning is that the creator, including heirs, should reap the rewards of their creation.

The ones that were pushed into the dirt less than 2 inches?

I think the best line I heard on this show all night was when Glenn asked Rosita how she met up with Abraham and The Mullet.

(though all the gas should have gone bad a while ago, but that's a separate issue)

"Beth, get out of the way"

This is just an excuse to delay writing the next couple of books.

Just think, there could have been 8 movies detailing Bran's journey.

Ducks have exceptional eyesight, which makes hunting them difficult because even with a 12 gauge and 3" magnum ammunition, your effective range is only about 30-40 yards. Ducks can spot tiny differences in areas that look like nice spots to land and just veer away long before they're in range.

If they can make something camouflage and put their name on it, they're selling it.

Much like Orange County Choppers. A reality show was popular for a few years, they merchandised the hell out of it, got wealthy, and then bickered themselves out of relevance.

There is nothing you can't sell to enough hunters to make mint. "For only $9.95, this, er a doohickey, will bring you tons of success in your hunts this fall!"

I'm drinking a Bell's Kalamazoo stout at my desk right now.

Which is exactly what all hunters do. What a fucking joke. Come hunting with me. I walk 8-10 miles a day up mountains in sub-freezing temperatures chasing deer. Trust me, they harder to kill than people realize. Just because you see a bunch of deer eating rhododendrons in your local park or on your neighbor's

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus representing your name perfectly.

Typically the young, slow, and dumb are killed. Fawns have the highest winter mortality rate of whitetail deer. Elderly deer are a distant #2. Not to mention, hunting is carried out just during or after the reproduction season and targets male deer (despite what's shown in Bambi, deer aren't monogamous.

Dislikes? I guess I probably shouldn't mention my annoyance with the defacto uniform of brown uggs, black leggings, and a hooded sweatshirt.

Just watch Season 2 on fast forward. Most of season 3 as well except the episode "Clear:"

They'll have to drag me kicking and screaming into Windows 8.

Same here… it kept my attention through the entire thing and I thought that the zombies were much more menacing and capable of taking down society than the stumbling horde of the Walking Dead.
