
Oh I agree, but look at the comments on here of people dismissing him as irrelevant just because they can't understand why he's so popular.
Fast foward to 2028 elections when an endorsement from PewDiePie clinches the 18-25 demographic.

People underestimating the relevance of PewDiePie is pretty much the same attitude people took toward Donald Trump early on in the process.
Just because you and your peers don't find something to be relevant, don't just disregard those millions of people who do like it, you may find yourself overestimating how popular

Go back and re-watch International Assassin. The conversation Kevin has with politician Patti, she pretty much lays out the GR's entire belief system in a 2-minute summary.

Grace Under Fire 1993-1998

People believe Jarden is a place where miracles happen. They also believe that being in Jarden will save them from any future "sudden departures". Pretty sure a very significant portion of the world's populace believes that the Sudden Departure could happen again without warning any day. Even Nora, who says she

I hardly ever post a comment, but how hard is this… IF YOU'VE READ THE BOOKS, DON'T POST ON THE NEWBIES REVIEW.
Is it an uncontrollable urge to discuss all things GoT, even where you're asked not to? Or do you get a kick out of trying to look smart to newbies and got carried away?
Seriously, based on the clues we've

I've been having a hard time explaining just why I like this show, and I hope you don't mind I'm largely going to copy/paste what you said when I tell my friends to watch it, because I think you're spot-on!

The graffiti on the walls in Game Central Station had some fun references. One clearly said "Leeroy Jenkins!", and it was difficult to see as it was only on the screen for a second, but I'm pretty sure near the beginning of the movie, you can see "Aeris Lives" in graffiti… which is just freakin awesome.

The graffiti on the walls in Game Central Station had some fun references. One clearly said "Leeroy Jenkins!", and it was difficult to see as it was only on the screen for a second, but I'm pretty sure near the beginning of the movie, you can see "Aeris Lives" in graffiti… which is just freakin awesome.

Possibly the funniest thing I've read in months.

Possibly the funniest thing I've read in months.

Just how long has Mackenzie been holding on to that same fucking pad of paper? Are you telling me that every day for the last 15 months, she's been packing that same pad (clearly otherwise used up at this point) with her to work, thinking "this'll be the day Will makes a comment about seeing me in the audience at

Just how long has Mackenzie been holding on to that same fucking pad of paper? Are you telling me that every day for the last 15 months, she's been packing that same pad (clearly otherwise used up at this point) with her to work, thinking "this'll be the day Will makes a comment about seeing me in the audience at

Felix is 25, and that article says that her family's restaurant closed down after 9/11… so she was 14 or 15 years old when the family had a restaurant. I kinda doubt she was a chef at that point.

Felix is 25, and that article says that her family's restaurant closed down after 9/11… so she was 14 or 15 years old when the family had a restaurant. I kinda doubt she was a chef at that point.

Why is "Manhatan" spelled differently on Earth-2?

How is Willam going to survive a LSFYL against a queen that actually knows how to put on an impressive Lip Sync?
If Jiggly performed a little better today and it was Willam and Latrice in the bottom two, I have no doubt we'd see Willam gone already. Its only a matter of time before she's in the bottom two with a

I have to agree here, at the moment Coach finally admitted "I got in too deep and didn't realize until too late that I'd made too many promises that I was unable to keep, and it all came tumbling down like a house of cards"… The pain, frustration, and regret were just oozing out of every word and facial expression,

Actually, the Grand Jury report says, according to Paterno's own testimony, that Paterno only reported the conduct to Tim Curley (Athletic Director) and Gary Schultz (Senior VP for Finance and Business of Penn State).

Well, the truth of the matter is that only 1 team will win the big money… each leg 1st place prize is usually pretty sweet, about $5k, it's not terrible to guarantee yourself SOMETHING at the end of it all.