
These two points are totally worth further discussion:'…artists America embraces and the ones they unjustly ignore.''Is the current kid-friendly graphic novel glut a repeat of past boom-and-bust comics cycles, or is it merely a function of the market tilting decisively toward books and away from magazines?' It's

Same here, I had no idea what I was getting into with X'ed out. I pretty much bought it on the strength of the Tintin reference on the cover and a cursory flip-through to justify the purchase. Then this friend of mine starts telling me about Black Hole and VOILA! that's a Sunday afternoon gone, leaving me with the

Although I guess I kind of knew it, it really only just hit me that Cage and Schwartzman are related. I want a film about and starring the Coppola brood now. Perhaps I'd deign to watch that show. FFC all sipping his wine at his vineyard and sending out missives to the lower Coppolas…

A couple of years ago I was living next door to Simon Pegg and I just felt like a voyeur. I'd be reading an article or an interview with him and look at the window and he'd playing with his dog or something and look up at the exact moment I did. We did have many a fine pub in the area, though none easily defensible.


I'd really like to see this film, but I know it'll get me upset. It's always race relations or discrimination in art that makes me feel hopeless about the world, even when it is hamfisted. Films like American History X and La Haine fit that bill for me… I think there was some episode of Becker that was strangely

Macauley Culkin in My Girl?


Trying to write around curveballs and reboots in continuity always seems like a stopgap measure that develops characters and scenarios sideways. I think I read something recently with Jim Lee and Dan Didio talking about about how canon is basically what stories people like and remember and that current continuity

I love WW so much, it's my favourite Zelda. Right from the get-go I loved the look of the world, and I loved changing the camera angles. At the time it was a wonderfully bright and open game and nothing else was quite like it. I used to project it up on a big screen and just cruise around the ocean. Also climbing up