
Jeez, I beat my boss to it but he wants to reference it in an upcoming publication we're producing. I'm forwarding him this news as a means of dissuading him.

I didn't do a lot, but what I did do was worthwhile. Getting home late on Saturday we watched Tron: Legacy and I thought it was better than I had been led to believe.

Man, I actually have Thomas the Tank Engine material, and I clicked on the link fearing that I was going to be pipped to the post by people who get to do it for a living yet again.

She owns a large tract in the South Island, and like James Cameron in the North Island, pretty much disallowed anyone to use the existing trails on the land.

If he wants to buy New Zealand he's going to have to fight James Cameron and Shania Twain for it. Can't they just build their own island?

Grover Chesbetham

Wet Hot American Sniper?

How'd you get to be 'Sweden'? I'm impressed by your ability to sum up the entire nation's attitude!

Yep, same here. The nurses I know are in the top percentile of all my partying friends. I don't know how they get up so early.

The only possible excuse is having read The Talented Mr Ripley fairly recently, but for whatever reason this Newswire has me rolling in the aisles more than any other in recent memory.

Yeah, I thought that was alright, but I'd like them to lose the added MJ vocal tics. I really just find the lyrics kind of distractingly awful - it's not really about the delivery. I just can't understand why you'd go to so much effort to recreate/ reinterpret a particular sound and not have better/ more appropriate

Not underwhelmed, but I'll definitely be listening to the instrumental version. I know it isn't really about the lyrics but… I just can't stand those lyrics.

I was living in Tokyo when The New World was released in cinema with perfume breezing throughout the room, and I thoroughly regret not attending.

She's not going to pull those baked goods out the oven? What's wrong with her?

Okay… this is the worst news I've had all day. I'd always planned for this to be the story behind my dramatic début script. I always thought it'd be the stone left unturned. But really? Steve Carell? Jesus. It's a great story with a lot of dark humour and hubris and it better be done justice.

That's cleverer than you're going to get credit for.

Then please tell me you would have been among those in line to watch the special ops dinosaurs from the secret Swiss lab, because that's the almost-happened-but-didn't movie I want to see.

Well, as someone who used to work for a casting director, funding plays a big role. If you have a British or German or Canadian company sticking up a chunk of the money there are often restrictions as to how many actors in a production can come from the States. And you'd be surprised to find that a lot of US shows

Okay, but tell me more about the painting on the grandma's wall. Is it otsu-e, or Matsuya Jichosai? Or something else? I need to know!

It's been a Christmas classic at my place three years running. And also Cat People.