ed ibn ed


sad. sad. sad.

. . . unless he's deploying rites or bylaws.

Yeah, it was up yesterday for maybe an hour.

is nbc going to both "try" *and* "take down" AI
…or are they going to "try to take down" AI?

Hey, we know what Law & Order is
Thanks, TVDW. We know what L&O is, it's only been on for 20 years and running on like 9 different channels for hours and hours a day. No need for two paragraphs of exposition.

Logless, you stupid fucking troll, read the book if you want the context. Neither of those phrases are too difficult to unpack if you have any brains though.

i completely agree, nakedfoul—i think the reviewer here completely misses the point (just like kakutani did in her review at the NYTimes).

@nakedfoul—it actually does have an intriguing plot, but there are more questions than answers in the end. i like that though. also, i liked "C" more than "The Remainder," for what it's worth (although i really liked both).
@Bfred—absolutely—you're right, it's beach reading, but has been presented/reviewed as lit, so

This book is excellent.
I'm concerned about AV Club's book review section after this review and TVDW's "A" review of Cronin's miserable piece of schlock, "The Passage."

sad news. he was young. the films are great and i'm sure he had more in him…

stza is right all the way. Todd VDW's future book reviews should be placed under scrutiny. this book was garbage.

and i should figure out how to spell "add" in the context above. mea culpa.

colon (cancer)
the publisher should figure out how to ad another colon into the title.

ok, i guess i should clarify — i meant that the show was never sensationally/senselessly violent, like most cartoons — the violence in avatar is darwinian; the violence has consequences.

the show is great . . . i watch an episode with my daughter every night. the characters are complex, the humor is fun, and the series has a rich mythology. unlike most kid's shows, avatar isn't stupid or violent, and it doesn't strive to be cool.

Is Jeanne's Friendster page some kind of ironic throwback?


terpsichorean? really?

he's got the unskinny bop.