ed ibn ed

rescue dawn is pretty much a genre film.

Iago's motivation is evil—he's basically the devil. His statement "I am not what I am" recalls/reverses YHWH's statement to Moses, "I am that I am" (or "I am what I am.") Roderigo calls him an "Inhuman dog" after he stabs him. Othello says something like, "If thou be a devil I can't kill thee" before stabbing him.

Slate pisses over everything. but, seriously, this movie looks terrible.

love this book
it's clear there was no ghost writer involved

loved this show when i was a kid
and, yeah, it probably messed me up

i subscribe to mcsweeney's and i got it last week. it's massive. huge. like, two magazines, five or six sections. i've only read the comics so far and they were great (i also read a few of the magazine articles and they were good). i don't really care about the local sf news so i don't know if i'll ever read those

if you look very, very closely at the cover of "halfway to a threeway" you can see what appears to be a pubic hair on the chin of the frog (frog's right side). this may or may not be a reference to the stuffed animal fucking cover of sy's dirty.

looks like lethem's on a losing streak…although i'll still check out the book. but he's really starting to burn up any good will he had from *the fortress of solitude* and *motherless brooklyn* (*gun* was good too). *you don't love me yet* is one of the worst books i've ever read, and his short story collection, *men

wway, dude.

i think franco is pulling some kind of elaborate prank here. if you've seen his recent destroyed room piece in wholphin you can really tell that the guy is interested in the boundaries of performance and art. this seems pretty cool.

IJ can't be adapted. the book is too much about reading and engagement to be anything other than a book.

i agree, lazerguided…especially when it comes to literary fiction, which is awfully hard to translate into film. reading is different than viewing, and great books aren't just about plot and dialog, but also about the writing itself. coppola did a good job of retelling "heart of darkness," for example, but he had to

Waltz Rulz
…he stole the show in Inglourious Basterds…this is nice news.

shit just got

Ken Russell's The Devils rules. Has Tobias done a Russell film yet? Or are they old cult films?

I think that
Padma got totally drunk at the party in this one.

this isn't
about a sonic youth song?

It's six pages
Noel Murray failed math.

on violence
i like that he addressed the claim that his films are "explicitly" violent—like he says, they aren't, all the supposedly "graphic" violence is offstage. even the fight scenes in oldboy are really restrained—the punches don't seem to connect, for example.

when i was in a band in high school we used to shop lift all kinds of little splitters and cords and shit from radio shack.