
Speaking of the novels, another excellent result of the discarded original ending: dead Solo means no Han 'n' Leia brood, which would eliminate the major plots of at least fifty percent of the novels, and most likely raise their aggregate level of quality by about five *hundred* percent.

John Clavis, you made my night.

Uhhhh… no idea, jfkfc. I just found them a couple months ago when I was looking for deliverable Thai food on grubhub.com. Deliverable Thai food that wasn't grody, I should clarify. There seems to be plenty of that around here.

I can't watch Barry Lyndon until I finish reading the novel first. And yet the novel has completely failed to engross me, which is both surprising and disappointing, considering how much I love Vanity Fair. Plus, Ryan O'Neal is kind of ew. Maybe I'll give it another shot.

Tuk Tuk is less than great. Panda Thai Kitchen (culver city, I think, but they deliver around the westside) has amazing curry with pumpkin or mango. And oh, god, the sticky rice with coconut custard…

Okay, the still from that video of the Barbarian dudes who got cut from Natural Born Killers? Tell me the one on the left doesn't look like Juliette Lewis. And the one on the right is Steven Tyler.

claps, kevshindig. five hundred nerd points for you.

An Adam-Sandler-movie themed list? Seriously? Did you guys get your DNS mixed up with like People magazine's website or WorthlessSchmaltzyGarbage.com or something? I can't even think of a valid reason for any of you to've seen all of these, unless you regularly fly back and forth from Hong Kong, don't own a laptop,

Oh god, The 13th Warrior was near-unwatchable. Even Beowulf & Grendel was better than that, especially since it had the enormous advantage of no Antonio Banderas.

No, wait, I thought you were saying those were their *best*, rather than the most tiresomely overused (feel free to sing a couple bars of "Stupid Girl" here). In which case I concur, and will add Can't Always Get What You Want.

Which can wait in line behind Stray Cat Blues and Tumbling Dice, edked. Pack a lunch.

You know, poophat . . . Cillian Murphy as young Mick Jagger? That's not bad. Not bad at all. I can absolutely see that. Claps for you.

The Silmarillion is fantastic and definitely worth reading. It establishes the whole context (and creation) of Middle Earth and everything that happens in LotR. The early history of the elves, how they split up into different kingdoms and kinds, their interactions with the gods and men, and the wars against the great

Ellsworth Toohey, the combination of your name and pic makes me giggle every time I see it.