
Idk, they're probably really tough? Maybe a slow-cooker / sous-vide setup would be better.

I actually liked the Engineers, but yeah, two hours of ostensibly Very Smart Scientist Types making stupid decision after stupid decision was just … that was extremely irritating.

That would be INFINITELY more compelling. Like I was not at all interested in this concept but if they swap the roles I'm totally on board.

I kind of like its Vintage Atari Cartridge look? But how it's cropped here, omfg those tiny little pips of black in the bottom left and top right corners are driving me FUCKING CRAZY. (I'll be charitable and assume this image was built to go on a black background and fit into a particular page format, but STILL.)

I lost most of my interest in it when so many of the major networks pulled their shit, or kept it on Hulu but only viewable via an outlink to their own usually much shittier site, with worse picture/size/audio and more ads and lousy nav. And then I was supposed to pay for that, now I'm supposed to pay EVEN MORE for

I don't really care about this stuff, but now I'm wondering if the Fit Tea people ever tried to get 50 Cent to rep for them.

I REALLY want the Blackfish to still be alive. At least in part because I'd like to see him have an argument with Olenna Tyrell.

I have, multiple times, and I read him as sneaky and conniving and disreputable and rather full of himself. But Skrein was too much cheezy sexpot, not enough brutishness, imo. It was like Dany's friends had hired a Chippendale's dancer to dress up as a sell-sword for her bachelorette party or something. Yuck.

I dunno, I mean Tommen is a naive doofus (and a child still, obvs) but I HAVE to think he knows his mother well enough to puzzle out "her trial is supposed to begin in the sept, she is MEGA PISSED, and the sept just asploded. 100% she's responsible, and she was not at ground zero."

Probably colic.

SO douchey. I'm gonna call him Ed Haardio from now on.

By 1000x, and also a much more effective actor, and far more believable as a badass mercenary. Daario 1.0 was so…smarmy Fabio-lite. Squick.

It's not actually possible to have a bad or boring scene when Olenna Tyrell is present.

This is 100% precisely what I was going to post.



Jon's had some betrayals, but most of his struggles have been pretty straightforward — Sansa spent that same time learning trickery and manipulation and hidden motives from Lannisters, Littlefinger, and Ramsay Bolton. I think Sansa is sufficiently jaded and well-versed in political machinations at this point that she

Concur. I'd thoroughly enjoy more of "Mulder fucking around, Skinner's blood pressure visibly rising."

When it turned into The Terminator & Liz Bartlet show, I was 100% over it. "Depressing" is absolutely the right word.