Gram Bo

bring on Lady Stoneheart! Since the Freys broke the sacred rules of hospitality, they are cursed to die by the dozens


The Queen of Thorns asking if Tywin ever engaged in gay sex was hilarious. I'm growing impatient with this season's slow pacing, but it's understandable since the season will probably end with the (SPOILER) death of Joffrey. There's no question that the 'Boy' torturing Theon is in fact, Ramsay Snow (the flaying is a

not to be confused with either Jack, Pete or Dennis

the content of this article is very unDude

umm keep watching the season (or read Storm of Swords) and your fantasy might come crashing down :/

fuck you, I'm eating

hopefully, the scientific and philosophical implications that made Prometheus such an instant classic will stay around for the sequel. "Biological evolution is irrelevant because star map!" wow

hopefully, the scientific and philosophical implications that made Prometheus such an instant classic will stay around for the sequel. "Biological evolution is irrelevant because star map!" wow

Oh, Meg's the donkey because she's ugly and unpopular; very original

Oh, Meg's the donkey because she's ugly and unpopular; very original

Perhaps this is an opportunity for Seth MacFarlane to talk about how bad Christianity is. He's never done that before

Perhaps this is an opportunity for Seth MacFarlane to talk about how bad Christianity is. He's never done that before

10 episodes is still insufficient. It is known

10 episodes is still insufficient. It is known

Don't do it Dad, he's bigger than you!

Don't do it Dad, he's bigger than you!

Iron Islands Bitter Ale, so good you'll want to drown in it

Iron Islands Bitter Ale, so good you'll want to drown in it

The Metal community is still recovering from Morbid Angel's atrocious dog-Latin dog-shit album. Only a remix of Lou Reed/Metallica by Skrillex could possibly be less essential