anonymous tv executive

I seriously thought that the Jerky Boys were just something made up on Arrested Development. I had no idea they were a real thing.

Speaking of dreckā€¦ and I think Piers Anthony was always "pervy" in addition to being a hack.

Shows what you know!

Unlike seemingly everyone else, I actually really enjoyed both "Xenocide" and "Children of the Mind." All of the "Shadows" stuff is just dreck, though.

Like COPS or Maury Povich.

What happened to Oscar? He was very indignant.

It's like the NBA lockout, but instead of a beloved part of my childhood being canceled, it's another beloved part of my childhood that now sucks oh wait.

I just call him "Billy."
Doctor Mom is "Doctor Mom"
Smart Girl is "Lisa Simpson"
The little girl is "Zoe" (the only one I can remember)
Cop Dad is "Duchess"