barnum brownie

Luke Skywalker was never as cool as Han Solo, but imagine Star Wars if Luke hooked up with Hot Chewbacca.

I hate when character deaths are undone generally, but I wish Tommy could come back somehow. As much as I liked him, he wasn't given much to this season until the very end. I knew when we started seeing flashbacks he was doomed.

Now I wish Helena would make a surprise appearance in Defiance.

What a time to be alive!

When she crossed her legs in that skirt I was like "Damn, Berlin, no wonder Stahma can smell Nolan on you… In you? Whatever."

Do any of the Votan races lay eggs? I don't think they've ever said that they didn't. I'm going to assume they're all reptiles until corrected. Then I don't have to worry about the nipple problem.

Okay wait a second.

Or make them send space heroin, which would help mask the symptoms of allergy migraines and support Defiance's economy.

I'd buy that Datak sleeps with guys at the Need/Want in a heartbeat. He's big on being macho. If fucking a lady is macho then having sex with a macho dude is double macho. Right? I don't know. I didn't major in math.

If Casti females don't have nipples, then why do they have breasts?

Making parodies of well-known pop songs, obviously.

He's had so few things to do this season - be angry with Nolan, and kiss up on Berlin (to provide Berlin character development and give Irisa another reason to angst). None of his actions so far seem to help define *him* because they're about developing the characters he's foiling. It's frustrating, because last

I hope Pottinger's not the rapist. That would be too neatly tied together, too tropey, and too stomach-churny to think that his victim spent so much time with him afterwards, completely oblivious.

I hope she has a daughter.

We never saw Tommy again after he was shot. Does anyone care about Tommy?

Definitely way better than either "Tommy never told me you dated" or "Step off, he's mine."

The good parts of season one were very good. The bad parts were very, very, very, very, very, very full of goofy matching purple and orange outfits.

I hope this show turns out a little like Farscape: uneven and often unwatchable first season, followed by a whole lot of weird, wonderful, and frankly fucked up shit from there.

I'm surprised (in a good way) that they seem to be burning through bad guys so quickly, and not just the villain-of-the-week, either. I prefer more ambiguous villainy and tough circumstances to having Big Bads being played straight. The doctor was the most compelling character to me from the beginning, and I'm glad