Stathis Borans

streaming on stereogum now… I'm getting a Pros And Cons Of Hitchhiking-era Roger Waters sort of vibe. Sounds like he has a sensible long term career plan in mind, but I'm concerned about the commercial potential of this album. Is it really that brown?

but not a patch on Red Rose Speedway.

I found some scenes almost watchable, and I liked Wolf Creek. Most of the violence is offscreen but prolonged and really hard to sit through. Plus there is some animal cruelty. I've never felt as wretched in the cinema, but still - a great performance and a skillfully made film. Possibly best viewed from another room.

I was in the neighbourhood. Felt a bit scummy.

don't forget it's glamorous and sexy too, @avclub-63706c2231765ca840e9a60a76fae00a:disqus ! Apologies for the sound nerd rage - actually I was just thrilled to be having a dialogue (ha!) about ADR, even if it was on the internet, anonymously.

Having edited 60 cues of ADR today and it almost killing me I am offended by this comment and will flag it as a hate crime.

Youse guys might be hearing the 5.1 mix through a stereo amplifier - this means you only get the left and right channels which are mainly music and fx. The centre channel is mainly dialogue. 

I was the only person who fully appreciated the gravity of her situation from the beginning. Sure, I may have made the occasional minor transgression early on, but I feel that when all is considered I acted with honor and compassion, considering the circumstances.

No, but I will probably start to now.

This was the first time. It took three years but the wait was worth every second.

So, not my hand melting off..? Didn't even rate a mention, huh? That's cool, don't worry about it. I'm fine.

Hmmm… I think I understand why it's not here, but when I think of children in peril on an album cover, it's that Blind Faith album that springs instantly, disturbingly to mind. Poor child - apparently she agreed to do it in exchange for a pony ride the next day or something. Nice one, Eric.

[joke to be reimagined through former commenting system prism]

Late Breaking Worst Title Of The Year Award News
Hotly tipped and surely a shoe-in for the grand prize in any other year, in a surprise development this week "Harry Potter 7: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2" has already lost out to The Horrors' "Skying" album.
"Skying": really, this is a superlative effort

What a travesty.

Better than The Wire. Far superior to Breaking Bad
Why is Platinum Hit not a massively successful phenomenon, and where are the AV club articles about it? I consider it by far the finest series of the last decade.
The format suits the subject perfectly, the selection of repellent contestants inspired, and the actual

just noticed this review written by Hyden, carrying on with my little joke regardless
Is it true that Bon Iver recorded his first album inside Rabin's log?
Is it a dietary thing, or does the interior of Nathan's stool just naturally contain some sort of rustic acoustic quality that he couldn't get anywhere else? It

Not Now John gets my vote for worst ever Floyd song. Sorry, Dogs of War.

although About Face does have Blue Light on it.

Wings: Mc Cartney's better band
What a shame that he stayed with the old band so long and then wasted more time with this guff, depriving himself of the chance to bang out a few more Wings albums. At least the Lennon partnership served as an adequate training ground for the Laine years.
Does anyone know any details