Stathis Borans

Great, thanks. Now I'm going to have "andtheGermanskilledtheJewsandtheJewskilledtheArabsandtheArabskilledthehostages/andthat is the news…" in my head for the rest of the day.
Roger's solo output is a comedic tour de force. I just wish the rest of the Floyd had gone with the Pros and Cons "song cycle" instead of The

Mandrake The Magician and Friends
And you all agree with me. (gestures hypnotically)

That is the most evil beard in film history
and yet, as much as I agree that the original is a classic film and the remake a dire dirge, I have to admit when I think of Raymond, its Jeff Bridges that comes to mind. Somehow his performance has grafted itself onto the original film in my memory, much like Vince Vaughn's

Actually it was Nick Mason who played that solo. The man is an unheralded genius. Not just a stunningly innovative drummer, but also a virtuoso guitarist, an accomplished motorcycle enthusiast and a heartbreakingly talented writer. Apparently he wrote quite a bit of The Wall, and even some of the lyrics for Radio

Well? Which is it - douche or doosh? Make up your mind, young man.

Dear Mr Vedder
This submission for your album cover is vile and unacceptable. It makes your ukulele album look like a KoRn side project and we are concerned about public reaction. As you know we have been down this road before, and do not want another "avocado" on our hands. Please make an appointment with Thurston

Dear Mr Vedder
This submission for your album cover is vile and unacceptable. It makes your ukulele album look like a KoRn side project and we are concerned about public reaction. As you know we have been down this road before, and do not want another "avocado" on our hands. Please make an appointment with Thurston

Sorry: I would love to provide a list of the classics but I can't think of any and suspect there are none. I assume Cat People would be in there but unfortunately I find that film way too sexy and become… distracted, each time I attempt to watch it.
Flaubert, I think what you meant to say was: plastic. I don't find

splenetic overreaction to a passing comment
Something is massively wrong with a world in which Piranha 3D is free to enjoy not just commercial success but almost uniform critical indulgence (and from the look of the deflatingly camp Shark Night 3D trailer, possibly influence upcoming Hollywood schlock for the

I endorse this sentiment. I'd go as far as to say that I don't like any Joy Division, but the love for this song baffles me. It's a monotonous dirge with no melody that just plods along forever. Same goes for Tainted Love.
Band On The Run… now THAT's a tune.

it would have been fascinating to see how they could have topped the lush career highpoint of In Rainbows… they might have applied that textured production approach to some more concise songs and come up with something even more majestic, or else gone further into their abstract songwriting style with less

it has been made. They changed the name and replaced the dolphins with blue people, but everything else is the same. What will Cameron achieve in his next replay..?

Stacey's Mom
Greatest key change of the decade.

Menacingly poetic, teed06. I thoroughly enjoyed it - I think this could be your best piece yet.

don't you hate it when…
… you get all excited about a sexy new Benicio film and then hire it and find out that it's just Mark Ruffalo?

There. Finished!
…. what do I win?

hey, Pearl Jam!
here, look at this - people are still talking about you, right here on the internet!!! We're probably rocking out to Backspacer as we type, even.
When Matt gets back from the Soundgarden sessions you guys should record a back to basics rock album again. Maybe some politics in there too? This could be

Wow. You crazy women, with your ability to multitask. I actually never knew you did that. Now I have a strong desire to watch Quills and Henry and June for the first time in my life.
Also, Bitter Moon.

Masturbated To It The First Time, Became Emotionally Involved Upon Second Viewing
For me: La Belle Noiseuse, Carrie, Mulholland Drive… I enjoyed them much better the first time though.