
We Should Guess…
Based on the review, I say C+.

It's strange…
It seems like the people posting on this comment board are not the same people who generally comment here…Folks like the "You guys are haters" and "Tyler Perry is BLESSED" lady, are you actually regulars to the AVClub?

More MNIE Agreement…
So far this season, I'd say MNIE has been easily as good as The Office has been. Maybe not quite as good as 30 Rock, but definitely a great starter for a hilarious Thursday night.
"I brought you some magazines. They wouldn't let me in with the nudie mags, so I drew naughty parts in your TV Guide."

@ Flashman
I've got to agree, Flashman, Saul is awesome. The theme song alone will get stuck in my head for days and I don't even mind.
Forget this LotL movie, they should adapt Saul of the Molemen. They could do it for peanuts like the ATHF movie and it wouldn't even matter.

Tsk tsk, Heroes…
"It might be lazy writing but if Peter ever gets a grip on his powers he'd be more powerful than God. Which might not be as compelling to watch."

I think it will eventually be revelaed that Mohindir has a low-key but still huge and useful power that he hasn't discovered yet.

I liked the part where she held the vacuum up and sort of took a second to figure out which way it was supposed to go…"Stragnge being on this side, it's like trying to tie someone else's tie"
I've been in that situation (the tie, not the abortion vacuum), and it really is disconcerting.

South Park
I thought last night was a pretty sub-par offering, but I generally enjoy South Park. I don't usually agree with the libertarian ideas that the guys try to 'prove' on the show, but I have to give them credit for generally being able to mix the preaching with entertainment so that I still find it funny.

A great line…
I'm thinking it probably wasn't as funny as it struck me at the time, but a line that had me giggling until the commercial break was when Jim asked Pam what her strategy for the race was.
"I think I'll start off by running really fast. Then in the middle when I start to get tired, I'll keep running really

Why House was left out…
This of course is not an official reason or anything, but looking over the shows being covered this season, one thing they seem to have in common is that they're all shows with over-arching stories…The obvious exceptions are 30 rock and the fox cartoons. I'll bet that House will end up in the

Street Names
Here in Michigan one of the highways features Exit 69 to Big Beaver Road.

I agree that the Rifftrax commentary for this movie was very good, kjjrj1, But I have to say that the best one would be Daredevil.

I like hip-hop, and think Kanye West is just about the best rapper to be getting any play on top 40 stations right now.

It's strange…
Although I don't really like Family Guy or Robot Chicken, I will watch them if they're new and there is nothing else on I'd rather see. I never watch reruns of them though.
Other shows that get the same response from me: Eureka, Harvey Birdman (not that there will be any new ones to watch, but I can

Twice Now…
I've rented and attempted to watch this movie twice now, but have never been able to get through the first half hour.
Oh well, maybe third time will be the charm.

Mr. Woodcock…
Looks exactly like School for Scoundrels. It even has Billy Bob in it.
Also, to quote hatin above, FYAD. That was the first thing I thought of too.

I haven't gotten sick of Mr. Apatow yet, and this looks good to me.
Plus, John C Reilly steals Adair from UCB's wife on a whim, that was funny.

To answer my own question…
So far as I can tell, there's not really any crossover between this and Clubhouse Games. Liking CHG isn't enough of a reason to buy this though, as there's only like 4 solitaire games.
All of the card games are made really easy by the use of wild cards, and can keep on going for round after