
Gap jokes were still quite fresh and funny in those halcyon days. I am wistful.

indeed, that claim is grounds for firing steven hyden from all jobs forever.

sic transit gloria

Besides Joshua, he's really the only person to root for (since Colton is the likely frontrunner by a long shot, being a safe white pop-rock singer). Besides the fact that Heejun's consistently funny, Iovine is walking cancer, so enraging him is worth more and more every week.

Didn't bother me at all, since the film was made by his good friend, and that was always the context and perspective it was coming from. One can infer from being a human that imperfections exist in everybody, without necessitating a warning label. It's implied by existence. And the likelihood that any of his flaws

The movies that made me feel queasiest were Dear Zachary, Come and See, and Devils on the Doorstep, none of which were for gross-out reasons. Season 4 of The Wire made me feel that way too, fairly often. For some reason I can't really think of any gross-out moments that made me sick.

You're wrong. John Dimaggio is voiced by Bender, not the other way around.

That simply isn't true. Both the absurdity of the specific situation, and of the concept in general, were part of that joke. You'd have to be a real cracker ass not to see that.

Out of curiosity, which ranks are higher than amazing?

if a person doesn't like sci-fi, should they really be considered a person though?

I liked Heejun's many bows once he was safe. Hopefully he was mocking Iovine's comment about Asian pop and whether Heejun could be a part of it, since it was stupid racist nonsense. Iovine may not be the single worst thing on the show, but he's tied for it.

It's not just true of these writers, it's true of all writers.

Not all of those eyeballs were part of a set.

"I got through that sentence like a subject and a predicate" is a pretty brilliantly ballsy, nonchalant way to say "I have finished serving my prison term." But that "when it waynes it pours" thing is probably one of his laziest lines for sure.

I always wondered how The Bachelor manufactured sincerity, and now I know: with manipulation! I think deep down I always knew.


This review relies on the fallacy that presumes some people aren't actually crude two-dimensional caricatures.

Wow this album is fantastic. Really well composed songs, and even some really big pleasant surprises ("I Luve Abortions" is an awesome burst of noise, and it's followed by the Antony-level beautiful "The Oldness").

B- is a positive score, except in lofty realms where the great/awful binary dominates and "average" is somehow an epithet.

It looks like The Virginity Hit with ADD.