
Dreams is right behind Zombie, as it's the I Feel Good/Dude Looks Like A Lady of earnest romantic movie trailers.

I hope they preserve the continuity!

It is underrated by some because its proper rating is "good not great." Anything lower points to flaws in that rater's genetic makeup rather than the film.

Not unlike real life, Jordo.

Well, Sayles at his worst is still apparently a B-, so there you go.

Indeed, instruments are generally in tune and voices tend to hit actual notes.

"In Tisdale’s defense" — defense from what? Who's attacking her? What's the implication here? I don't get it. Just who is the villain here exactly? What kind of world is this?

You trying to make A Simple Plan and The Ice Harvest jealous by only mentioning Fargo?

Gracie Bell will be played by Andy Serkis in his creepiest MOCAPing performance yet.

You ever think about writing for The Onion?

He's the sci-fi Newt Gingrich.

I love average movies!

DH perfected this technique in Dick Tracy.

I listened to the album and enjoyed it fully. Case closed.

That's not true of great bands or great comedians or really anything at all.

Toure is the worst of all mankind.

I disagree. The worst in Jess would be not knowing how to talk about sex even though she just left a years-long relationship. Here we get that she like cupcakes and doesn't like running over birds…hardly counts as the worst.

That's not the issue with The Simpsons. It has become decidedly less funny and not simply as a matter of diminishing returns or the audience getting past teenagerdom, which is a pretty arbitrary generalization about viewership age. It's worse now because the characters have stopped being characters and are now samey

I like them both about equally, it just seems that Kool AD takes the deconstructionist stuff to greater extremes than Heems, as far as cadences and structural ideas (which is a good thing). And their instrumentals are uniformly awesome on Relax, enough to carry songs even when their avant-rap tendencies would

At least he got one thing right: Anthony Jeselnik and Amy Schumer are equally not funny.