
I agree with the C+ on the show, but "At best, this is about halfway between those films and America’s Funniest Home Videos" would seem to suggest it's between an A+ and an A. Please work on your comparison skills.

If I'm lyin I'm dyin

That's the whole point of the episode.

Can't wait!

you didn't even mention the reindeer section. hipster card REJECTED.

The "good" dubstep is just as lousy as the brostep. I suppose it's less likely to give you a headache, until you nod off and knock your head on something.

None of those things routinely happen during commercials that get played in the middle of otherwise "all ages" broadcasts.

Blues Hammer

we've got more songs than a song convention

Well that wasn't my point at all now, was it? It's easy to get, since she or the show explained it all away in a few annoying infodumps and she is now simply treading water week after week. It would have been smarter to parcel it out in flashbacks as they do with her childhood, which would at least be showing not

Actually, if the show had been doing cut-aways to her relationship with that previous boyfriend all along — maybe up through the first season even — that would go a long way in explaining what's up with her now that isn't just Jess infodumping, and would also cut down on filler. Wasted opportunity.

Ah, thank you, just making sure.

Did you just complain about someone's failure to accept subjectivity and then follow it with one of the most dismissively subjective appraisals of the pop landscape possible?

So this was pretty cowardly, but was it worse than stringing along a drug-addled homeless James Brown impersonator for so long? Hard to decide.

Yah, that's awesome.

It's cartoonish?! Well I loved Wall-E and The Iron Giant. Thanks for the glowing recommendation!!

Uh, that's the basic text, not the subtext, of what he's saying. Nobody suggested they're similar games, and there's no ambiguous or deceptive language here. Also, there's nothing wrong with saying the profitability of one product may determine the company's ability to produce a more niche one later. Framing it like

Bouillabaseball played by Gordon Shumway and co. back on Melmac.

Perhaps it's because they don't force the losers to sing *after* they've been eliminated on this show.

It was written by the Perry Bible Fellowship guy.