
Doomsday is worth more than the totality of you, your full ancestry, and your descendants unto the end of time.

Dog Days
i didn't sense any mockery. a little whimsy and a lot of misery, sure, but nothing really condescending or sneering.

of course you should give a spoiler alert, it's only been 33 years.

glad to hear it's not amusing in a harmful or even deadly kind of way.


the answer is "however much you feel like."

it's just like a poltergeist curse to wait 28 years and catch her just when she's elderly and sick. pretty sneaky, sis!

Games these days
with the piercings and the saggy pants and the hippity hop and the increasing, unnecessary complications.

Also, Groundhog day and Garfield were released 11 years apart.

yah…the album is hit and miss for me, but she's one of the highlights throughout. plus more often than not she's not doing the barbie voice (which i kinda like anyway). my favorite lines of hers: "you at the bottom of the pole/totem/like lamar odom, i ball/scrotum"

Jennifer's Body was pretty darn enjoyable.
I guess I understand why someone might find Diablo Cody-isms annoying in Juno, though I only found them clunky during the scene with Rainn Wilson. But there's hardly any in Jennifer's Body at all (and the moveondotorg one isn't particularly jarring), so the complaints were

me too, bro, me too.

Bland but pretty = Disney as usual
Disney in recent years, maybe, but not "as usual".

Alan Rickman
as Professor Severus Snape.

this looks so awesome!

unless that was a joke at the expense of people who actually think and talk like that, in reference to the squid and the whale.

a minor story or a miner story?
the former doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

there's no such thing as the mafia!

Deep House Dish is the single greatest recurring sketch in the show's history.

Ebert is the best. I'm not sure he ever was prone to youthful cynicism, but he's totally devoid of it now.