
i play man vs. food everyday.

What he's saying is he prefers his fetishistic generalization of Japanese People over their more nuanced portrayal in this bleak war film.

is it that dude from the skeletones cuz that guy sings basically the same.

But if the facts bear out that he was a perfect man, what about depicting those facts makes it a hagiography? I guess what I'm wondering is whether you know something about Pat Tillman that Krakauer is glossing over, or if it's just an assumption that he couldn't possibly be as sterling a man as Krakauer writes him. A

I dunno
Seems like you came to the book assuming Pat Tillman couldn't possibly be a saint. In what ways is he not worthy of epic poetry?

are you sure about that, ellen?

I was hoping she'd play Stupid's best friend, and provide her with relationship advice while trying on clothes behind a folding screen.

shut up already.

so in the anti-jamie foxx corner we have those who believe using terms like "fuck-tarded" and "full retard" actually bolster their arguments. totally shocking.

i'm not speaking in generalities.

flawed vs. deeply flawed
the first being an accurate descriptor of the film in question, the latter being linguistic laziness and/or downright contrarianism.

i've never got the impression that millions of people were outraged. the outraged seemed rather limp, and were mocked pretty much from the get-go.

anyone who asks "couldn't one just really go do _____" shouldn't be reviewing video games.

Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem are the greatest American rock band of all time.

chicago's civilian population is made up entirely of white entertainment journalists and white improv comedians.

a little overly occupied with jeremy enigk's conversion
felt like hawthorne was harping on it. the answers weren't uninteresting, by and large, but they couldn't help but get reiterative.

I Hate Myself
…And Keep Reaching for Those Stars

see it, be a friend and not a jackass.

so by pretty much the end of the article?

it was Roseanne