
if you think it's "hooey" or just a tacit agreement with the hypnotist to perform for the audience, you are simply factually incorrect and should accept that.

This entire article was obviously created as yet another chance to mock Rob Liefeld, with the rest tacked on because a one-entry list doesn't work so well. Don't be fooled by its #15 position, it was the first entry written.


likely he'll retire and spend his days making love to isla fisher.

young adults belittling patriotism
what's better than that?

so much low culture, so little time

Following up a sentence with "Not!!!" will always be contemporary. Not!!!

Nobody compared them to Nirvana.

but you stated your opinion last, so you lost the competition for Official Objective Stance.

anyone associated with 1000 Ways to Die gets a lifetime pass.

shut up a while.

how can you not be a fan of this review?!?! obviously the earlier stuff is better than the later bits, but that's true of pretty much all reviews over time. i mean it's no beatles "revolver" review, but what is?

Pilgrim, what is the difference between those two sentiments (if "was an idiot" is replaced with "was wrong")? "Overrated" inherently denies subjectivity because it's not a difference of opinion, it's a judgment on and negation of other opinions. If one is using it as shorthand for "my opinion differs from the

You are simply factually incorrect about the purpose of the term. It has no meaning other than "the trend in opinions on this film (including perhaps your own) is misguided, and I intend to personally serve as a corrective." It's inherently scolding and insulting. I'm not addressing its meaning, which is plain, but

I don't see what your suspicion has to do with anything, but I guess in turn I would suspect he enjoyed the food quite a bit, especially in relation to other foods he's sampled. If you can rate something too high, too low, or just right then of course it's not binary, but what utility is provided by a critic's review

well, i'm just wondering if the term itself has any utility at all whatsoever besides declaring out loud which team you're on.

Was the use of "overrated" meant to help make your case, or simply take a shot at another Jody Hill movie and cement in print which side of the pro/con divide you're on for the sake of posterity? Does this term ever have utility beyond distinguishing which side of any given fence you're on?

ha! i suppose i am.

this is one of those terms that should be removed permanently from all reviewer vocabularies.

And the acid scene as precaution taps into the notion that Hakan was like Oskar, as it's a gesture of love.