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    Because your sashway pockets are hollow!

    I'm a shepherd.

    Get me a glass of hot fat and bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia.

    Is Paul a good therapist?
    When he is with his patients I think he is because he does make insights into their patterns of behavior and thought. I mean his patients are in really tough spots.
    But when he is with Gina acting like a jerk it make me wonder…

    @ elitist
    Wow, I guess McCarthy is now in Stephen King territory where everything he writes is made into a movie.
    I wonder if this will make it awkward for AV Club to write the book vs movie article.

    I do not know that book but what about, "In the Country of Men" by Hisham Matar. Reading fiction about other parts of the world should be a requirement to vote.
    I understand the book is excellent and it is already on my bookshelf unopened. It would seem to fit all of the WUIB's guidelines (including the ones I made up

    I think there are other de facto guidelines I have divined from Wrapped's two selections:
    1) Cannot recently or about to be made into a movie
    2) must have some literary aspirations - no pure genre fiction
    3) must have bleak and/or alternative outlook

    What is the process for choosing the next book?
    Just keep posting and hope a staffer likes my suggestion?

    @ Bent, I agree.
    It is the source of the funny when he is around.
    Wallace may be the best straight man in TV sitcoms today (not that there are that many left).

    This book has been sitting on my shelf unread for a year. Now I can finally justify the trade-paperback purchase and participate in a virtual book club.
    It is going to be a great year (as long as the credit crisis is solved).

    It is hard to imagine anyone not named Lee or Bryant purchasing this DVD. I could not even stomach it for free on ESPN.
    I might buy the Criteterion edition if it has commentary from the jewelry salesperson who sold Kobe the $2 million "oops" ring he gave his wife to let her know she was still number one.

    I remember being disappointed - the story little too desultory for me. I am willing to watch it again in a criterion edition.
    At the time, I loved that the cop working on Eddie was the buddy sandman from Logan's run. For about 3 days, he was my favorite actor and now I cannot remember his name.

    Two hilarious things
    that Tracy's high school is named after the zillionaire drug lord, Frank Lucas.
    And, that Alan Alda says, "A guy crying about a chicken and a baby? I thought this was a comedy show."
    Will the MASH finale ever stop generating jokes?

    I can think of many reasons why Wallace would want, even need, to tell Michael that the another office was closing but since this is just a sitcom I have already moved on.

    Favorite Lines
    I may not have this exactly right but…

    I loved Lord of Light after the second read. I gave up on Dahlgren pretty quickly because it wasn't any fun.
    Which book is more similar to More than Human?

    I saw Inside Man and thought it was nothing special. His docs may be good but his dramas usually start with an interesting premise that awkwardly goes nowhere. He also likes to drive home his points with an oversized sledgehammer.

    Spike Lee
    So many comments to this article that I am probably just tossing this opinion into the abyss but I just want to see if anyone agrees. Do the Right Thing was great but everything after that was clunky and uninteresting. Each movie was worse than the previous until I saw He Got Game which was such crap that I

    The other thing to remember is that as a former Kimmel writer the Sports Guy is so in the tank for his former boss that he cannot think straight when discussing his erstwhile competition, Conan. Whatever is good about Simmons it is not balance.

    It was disappointing not touching when Luke offered pizza and a movie to Oliver, who not surprisingly reacted with, "On a school night?" and rolled his eyes as he looked at Paul. Their session was about a lack of structure at home, a problem that cannot be solved with an impromptu birthday party. Luke would