
Mimsy was definitely a one-note character, but I loved that about him! I thought they really over-emphasized the one-noteness about him. Remember, he's a facsimile of a one-note character. You either have to hit it right on the nose, or go over the top with it. They went over the top and it was great. (to me

"Up the Down Steroid" (the episode where Nathan first appears) predates How's Your News? by about 5 years. Unless Sean was in that original documentary back in 99, it seems more like a coincidence than an actual parody of a guy.

The overly dramatic Darth Vader-esque music they played when Casey sat down in front of Sarah and Chuck was probably the funniest moment of the episode for me.

Yeah, I thought this was their calling back to the pilot. Chuck was treating it like he was getting to know Sarah on their "first date." Then they became spies together and all that got put on hold. Now they can actually get back to getting to know each other, which brings up Sarah's ignorance of music.

What about the Oz books or Roald Dahl? What about Peanuts? And just because Calvin and Hobbes was created as something that could have appeal for adults does not mean that it wasn't created as something for kids. Its basic premise is the glorification of childhood. It speaks to the nostalgia of adults, but

Wait a minute…
The woman they have writing this is a writer from Parks and Rec? I can't tell if that makes the film more appealing (it just can't be!) or Parks and Rec less appealing (it equally just can't be!). What's wrong with her, doing something I respect and then becoming a no-class screenwriter-for-hire.

hate these commercials
And not the kind of hate that gets me all worked up and therefore creates a lot of product recognition and excessive recognizability of the product. Just the kind of hate where I completely tune out (or turn off) the commercial when it comes on. It is a very disinterested, dispassionate hatred.

Yes, that's correct
Women are "the caregivers, the teachers, the lovers."
Read: women are housewives (sometimes desparate); and if not, their jobs are lower-paid and marginalized by society; and they're expected to give that good sexing up at home. Gotta love the 21st-century of the 50s housewife.

Interesting… But he did have the nail. It was just useless to him.

No, I'm pretty sure she's union. The girl who played Isabella, though, that's definitely her non-union Mexican equivalent. During that first scene with her, when she was poorly lit and pretty much just whispering, I kept asking myself if that was Selma Hayek or not.

Still not convinced by Jacob
He says he doesn't want to directly interfere in people's lives, and that's why they've all been dying. But he directly interferes when he brings them to the island. And, really, he brings them there to show the man in black that they're not so easily corruptible? So he just uses people

Get me Salma Hayek!
Or her non-union, Mexican equivalent!

Nothing changes
This episode set out to advance the protagonist, and didn't end up doing it. Either Chuck would make the decision to kill and become a spy or to not kill and return to civilian life. Instead, you have the Casey-ex-machina that comes in and does the job for him. The problem is that Chuck was supposed

How much money?
250,000 million dollars… So that's two hundred fifty thousand millions? So two hundred fifty BILLION dollars?