Jay Kay

Me too. I have to say that all of the characters grew on me over time.

Me too. I have to say that all of the characters grew on me over time.

Angus T. Steakflower

Angus T. Steakflower


Anal Alda

please don't scare me to death :(

Taylor Congenital

@ Mister Ford: If you light a zombie on fire, and they then proceed to walk up to wherever you're holed up, it will turn into a structure fire.  You will then be screwed.

I would just like to say that the comments are what drew me to this site in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the site's content as well, but I though the comments, from registered and unregistered users alike, were often funny and smart and I enjoyed reading them. So I joined, but I don't comment

I really like that they chose a comment wishing cancerAIDS upon someone. Lack of Name will be proud.

I respectfully disagree with you about The Town. I just watched it this past weekend because I had heard good things, but I was kind of disappointed. The scenes between Affleck and the love interest (whatever her name was) always involved some sob story, like "Oh, it's such a nice day, just like the day my brother

Bad boy!
Did they rub his nose in it?

*stating that

@archmage-That is a really good question. I think research also came out recently that people who sit most of the day at work were more likely to suffer heart attacks at some point. So, take that, scientists! We're ALL gonna die at some point!


Well done, Mr. O'Neal.
Now that is snark at it's finest. Good show.

She's definitely had work done…but that photo is also seriously photoshopped.

I think Cook has his moments, but I saw that itchy a-hole skit before I ever knew anything about it supposedly being stolen, and I didn't find it funny. I never saw Louis C.K. perform the bit, so I'm not sure if it was Cook's delivery or whether it's just a lame joke.