Creating more emotional distress for oneself as a result of discussing
one's emotional distress does not render the initial emotional distress
Creating more emotional distress for oneself as a result of discussing
one's emotional distress does not render the initial emotional distress
I'm sure the part about vagina, penis and female nipples being blurred was written into the contract.
Even if it wasn't deliberate, it's too fundamentally related to the show's editing process to be dismissed (legally) as an innocent accident.
She's actually referring to a different guy who broke up with her, supposedly after seeing the episode.
She clearly has a case — albeit not a $10 million one — regarding the failed censorship. I don't care how badly you want to slut shame her, but she didn't agree to be naked on TV. They showed her on TV, naked.
Who liked Shane?
So what ailment do we think is affecting those who fall into Zenith? Lyle became an insane person and the camera made sure we saw that Sam's hand was starting to shake…
Aimee is fine just the way she is.
The irony is that Lost — and, likely this show — was ABSOLUTELY simple.
Eh - not sure it was specific either way.
It has nothing to do with "everything right now."
This is one of the first few episodes in which the execution didn't match the idea. The chemistry between Adelaide Clemens and Aiden Young is a major part of what got me into this show, but their scenes just didn't live up to the bar of the first season.
HD on Time Warner as well, as mentioned a few weeks back.
Honestly - this wasn't THAT far off when it comes to portraying what happens when a bunch of dorky suits take ecstasy and part in a hotel room. Don't ask how I can compare it to that experience.
That review lost me by completely misunderstanding the context of Bombeck's "fix it" demand.
While they definitely tried to portray him as a rather liberal, sympathetic person in this episode, I don't know that his view towards that particular baby suggests he would be tolerant of something like transsexuality.
It isn't a valid opinion because it's a markedly inferior business model.
As I wrote below, explosives is already in the name. The *real* ATF is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
In fairness, the review reached a new level of appalling this week. It wasn't just "Sonia missed some things a more competent critic would have spotted" or "She didn't interpret that correctly." This is her raising question about whether she understands what it means to evaluate a television show.
When did Mike from "Ed" turn into Peyton Manning? Looked like a dead ringer for him in that early scene.