Lemon of Troy

Months ago, Trump pandered to evangelicals by quoting an excerpt from 2 Corinthians, which he called "Two Corinthians." (It's actually "Second Corinthians" when spoken out loud.)

Is that a Biblical allusion from Two Corinthians?

And what's funny is they were really respectful and polite—which Trump never is!

Oh deer, another pun thread?


If the "maybe women just aren't funny" argument isn't enough, you might want to glance at this guy's comment history. He's a good candidate for the "block and move on" pile.

Or coffee, with old What's His Face.

Trump supporters don't generally strike me as the bookish type.

Yes. Because clearly I'm freaking out here.

Tell him about the Twinkie.

**Peter Jackson laughs maniacally.**

You sound like a real Dorkus Malorkus.

The Hogwarts Babies animated series won't make much chronological sense, but it's expected to be popular among young children.

It really is odd what he chose to cut from the last book, while keeping "the three of them wander through the wilderness for months," isn't it?

Now I'm logged in on AV Club, and it won't let me log out!

You must be this attractive to make a sexual assault accusation.

Quit being a crepe.

Sounds like I should have paid more attention in Sunday school!

You mean Islam?
