Lemon of Troy

Them's fightin' words!

Villain, I have boned thy mother.

And would it kill you to get yourself a lint roller and use it now and then?

Because… I am?

You mean Gazorpazorp?

Billy and the Cokeasaurus


I wish I could be in the audience to shout "Do Mr. Rob!"

Isn't it funny when these guys trot out contrarians like Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris on the few occasions it suits them, and then flat-out ignore every other argument they've ever made?

I keep having to relearn this lesson. Some people just can't/don't want to be reached, and it's just a waste of time and energy trying to engage with them. There are people with differing opinions… And then there are trolls. Learn to recognize trolls. Block them. Move on with your day/week/life.

Oh Jesus Christ why did I waste my time talking to you?

"These kids are the most privileged in history and are meeting almost no resistance from professors and administrators."

That seems like a strange thing for a man who opened a school and spent years as a teacher to say.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Trigger warnings and safe spaces and kids these days are all coddled babies and so on.

Education is the worst, isn't it?

[citation needed]

Surveys have remained pretty consistent on this over the course of decades: Everyone says they're for "free speech," but when asked more specific questions, it comes out that a third-to-half or so want specific limits on it. I'm not saying it's right, but it's nothing new or specifically "millennial."

About two years ago, I sat in a cafe in Columbus, Georgia, and listened to two perfectly nice and respectable-seeming old ladies sitting at the table behind me speak in dead-serious, legitimately frightened and concerned tones about the thousands of ISIS operatives who must be streaming across our Southern border,

I really don't get the humor in the Harambe thing. It's like the new Dat Boi.

This is the greatest "weird but it works" mashup I've ever heard: