Lemon of Troy

Looks like you could die of malnutrition, dude.

I've got to admit, in the once in a blue moon event that I buy a candy bar, it's almost always a Butterfinger. I don't know if they were intentionally playing the long game with that ad campaign, but they've got my candy bar brand loyalty for life (for the several dollars a year that's worth).

I think "Tremors" took over for "The Floor is Lava" for a couple years in the early 90's.

Reba McEntire or GTFO I say.

You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.

Batman's a scientist.

That's an odd name! I'd have called them chazzwozzers!

Barney's movie had heart, but Football in the Groin had a football in the groin.

Don't eat the crab dip!

And now you know… the rest of the story.

I'm getting my sister a Squatty Potty.

I'm going to chime in as yet another former nerdy kid from the pre-Adult Swim, pre-Internet fast enough for streaming era, who happened upon Space Ghost late one night and instantly loved it.

I'm perfectly cool with the whole scientist nitpicker of pop culture thing. Hell, I'll call out the ridiculous stuff in Jurassic Park all day, and it doesn't change the fact that it's my #1 favorite movie of all time.

I loved the off-the-wall weirdness of this show—and in no small part thanks to this guy's talents.

Did you have the same backwards-talking dream with the flaming cards?

This "*Showtime" shit makes me want to cancel my account. Every time I scroll through Hulu, it's like Ooo! This looks good—Oh wait, nevermind. How about—OK, no… Well this one—OH FUCKING FUCK, FUCK YOU HULU!

But she did win an academic award, and made this great acceptance speech:

It would be more newsworthy if Krebstar got the rights to Road to Wellsville.

I anticipate a deeply religious experience.