Lemon of Troy

"Ray's website domain names expired in August 2015,[6] and the website was last archived by the Wayback Machine on January 12, 2016."

Dylann Roof

Hmm, a "Krusty Burger." That doesn't sound too appetizing…

I recently compared the current choices to stubbing your toe, vs having your foot cut off.

To be fair to his fans, when Conan Doyle begrudgingly resurrected the character, he wrote him as a real asshole in the first few stories, and it was a remark from a fan that Holmes didn't seem to be Holmes anymore that inspired the writer to make the character a hero again.

^^^That boy ain't right.

But "Everybody sucks!" and "Both sides are wrong!" is a bold stance when you're 19.

These comments are making me nostalgic for 2012.

These comments are making me nostalgic for 2012.

I don't know about slave labor, but the NVA and VC did indeed treat their POWs horribly, whether it was in their best strategic interest or not.

Let's rearrange the letters to turn them into confessions about faking the moon landings!

Like Robb Stark, America won the battles, but lost the war.

The DOD operates the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (http://www.dpaa.mil/), which works to bring home and identify the remains of servicemembers missing in action. They employ forensic scientists at a lab in Hawaii, and send teams of forensic anthropologists to excavate old battle sites and such all over the world

If only…

Don't worry. Just go a little further down, and you'll see all kinds of hate being spewed.

It only recently dawned on me that it was a middle-aged Michael Caine having sex with his friend's teenage daughter in that movie.

Was it really a good one?

Well it's not quite oil, and it's not quite pics, but man… hahahaha. So to answer your question, I don't know.

"This just in: People younger than myself are bad! And we must be the first generation in history to have felt this way!"

He's clearly yelling at a cloud.