Lemon of Troy

It's like the (apocryphal) story of Pauline Kael quipping that she doesn't know how Nixon got elected, when nobody she knew voted for him.

What about mosquito bites?

When The Office (US) debuted, I thought it was too good to be true for exactly this reason—and was very surprised when it not only got picked up the next season, but became a huge hit.

With no overlap, those two circles look sorta like boobies!

He's the hero the internet deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

Netflix does have a lot of great original programming… I guess this is like the shitty, soul-sucking, undignified day job that lets them work on their art nights and play in their band weekends. Which makes it OK. I guess.

Well, it's not quite 1995 and it's not quite 1997… but man—hahaha. So to answer your question, I don't know.

Racially he's pretty cool?

Mr. Hefner treats objects like women, man.

Who Like to Have Sex With Each Other

"Whisper into… ass."

No. Taylor Swift is going to be Dazzler.

1 to read, 3 to think up the perfectly cromulent Simpsons reference.

You took four minutes of my life, and I want them back!

Don't apologize yet. We're not finished jumping down your throat for committing such a horrible offense.

Say what you will about Family Matters, but that treadmill episode was pretty goddamn intense.

You're acting wheird!

Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners…

Buzz is an independent researcher seeking a private audience with Trump to discuss an important matter. He guarantees it’s in his interest to honor this request. Believe me, if his purpose was not significant, he would not risk his life pursuing it. The reason he climbed Trump's tower was to get his attention.

If you miss this, you'd better be dead or in jail, and if you're in jail, BREAK OUT. Be there!