Lemon of Troy

I don't want to sound pretentious here, but The Joker and Harley comprise a dramaturgical dyad.

Saw Batman: The Killing Joke with a couple friends, and really enjoyed it. It was book-ended with stuff about Batgirl/Oracle, and while at times that seemed a bit extraneous, it was nice that they fleshed out the character and her place in this story. It was great hearing Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill together again.

Two things I love:

The biggest libertarians and staunchest conservatives I know use food stamps. They seem to think by being hard-working people who just need a little assistance, they're the exceptions to the rule. Everyone else on food stamps is just lazily gaming the system.

I'm in the military. You would not believe the anti-government rhetoric I hear from people who work for the government.

Yeah, that was a great learning experience for kids, and it really shows that the writers were thinking of what would benefit children, rather than what would be easier, or more marketable.

Case in point: After all the talk about how Clinton can't be trusted with sensitive information, he recently encouraged Russia to hack into his opponents' emails. And his supporters don't seem to see the hypocrisy.

No comics page.

I was going to say something like this, but then I remembered there was a "block user" feature now.

The really weird sketch comedy show on Nickelodeon in the early 90's?

Even George Costanza would never stoop to ghosting. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does.

You could stand outside their window, holding a boom box over your head. You'd have to play some kind of rejection music, though—perhaps CeeLo Green's "Fuck You," or if you want to be more gentle, Biz Markie's "Just a Friend."

I, too, have limited dating experience—and yet somehow I feel I've been ghosted more times than I can count.

I hate to shoehorn something unrelated in here, but while we're paying tribute, this seems to be the most appropriate place:

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Paul Dini's Dark Knight: A True Batman Story, about how his work helped him through a traumatic experience.

Please don't confuse me like this. I only very recently accepted that "ten years ago" doesn't refer to the 90's.


I was saying Boo-ernie.


I would love to date Natalie Dormer!