Lemon of Troy

Sadly, bookstores will refuse to sell this book.

Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist.

How about the US Navy expressing concern about melting polar ice giving Russian submarines heretofore unseen freedom of movement? Or when the Marine Corps and Airforce started installing massive solar arrays on their training grounds? Clearly the pinko commie treehuggers at the Pentagon are part of this massive

No, but this was a horribly grief-stricken man in the days before psychotherapy and Prozac, and a culture in which fathers probably had little to do with the first couple years of child-rearing anyway. So while I don't think it was right, I'll suspend my judgment for this trying situation in different times.

The Amazon description of a book about this time in his life sounds like The Young Indiana Jones Theodore Roosevelt Chronicles:

It's a scam to tax energy sources. It's also a scam to pay subsidies to other energy sources. Somehow. For some reason. And all the scientists are in on it. (They must all be in the pocket of Big Solar.)

It's doing it to me now, too.

I torrented the entire series years ago, which came with some cool bumpers and stuff which are unlikely to ever be included in a box set, and probably otherwise would have been lost to time. But even then, some of the episodes were incomplete due to being ripped from The N, which censored some things and utterly

Interesting look he's going for there. Nerdy Rasta biker?

Nope. Almost all of the music was replaced with generic elevator-music-sounding stuff. The box set even came with an insert explaining:

Good for you?

I'd rather get a Daria box set with the original music and some cool features.

I said I wasn't looking forward to it. You've never seen a trailer or read a description of a film and been underwhelmed, uninterested, or even immediately thought to yourself Wow, this looks like shit?

Yeah. Not liking the Fallout Boy version doesn't mean I'm a whiny fanboy; it means I don't like that shitty song.

I'm not a ghost, but I will still say "BOO" to you!

I was going to make a joke, but in light of Christina Grimmie's senseless murder by a stalker, I feel it would be in poor taste.

Tom Skerritt, like Wilford Brimley, strikes me as one of those crusty old guys who will never die because he is just too tough and grizzled to let it happen.

I'm a well-wisher, in that I don't wish you any specific harm.

"And since I'd achieved all my goals as President in one term, there was no need for a second. The end. Hmm, good memoirs. Good, not great."

Not having that problem, but I've been doing a lot of thinking about the T.V. Club cancellations and other changes taking place here. I read the recent announcement about how some reviews just don't garner enough clicks to justify the money spent on them, and I thought at the time it made "nickel and dime" sense (even