Lemon of Troy

Funny how the "Blue Lives Matter" types are typically the "Support Cliven Bundy"/"Occupy Malheur" types, and are unwilling or unable to see the contradiction.

Oh, hell yes. Drove the whole family to Florida. Worst two weeks I ever spent in my life. The smell from the back seat was terrible.

"That girl's so pretty, but why does she always have her mouth open?"

And my confused boner.

Sad fact: Out of all the prominent Marvel superheros to be made into good movie form to date, the Fantastic Four are among the most noticeably absent.


Hey, I remember that!


A hairy, beastly creature? Sounds more like a Hugh Jackman role.

Momentarily misread that as "fine testes hair."

All I know is the dog-themed parody better be called "Barkham Asylum."

I got a Paul Chadwick notification for this?

“Playing artist: Wings.”

"Cult classic" doesn't necessarily mean "not a mainstream success"—just that it has an enduring and passionate fanbase.

I was saying "Boo-oobs."

"Passengers will refrain from KILLING MY SOUL!"

I have the weirdest boner.

It's like a self-aware Star Trek. It makes fun of the fans and the show itself, but in a light-hearted, affectionate way. It's also hilariously silly, but has some genuine moments of suspense.

Sharona being replaced by what TV Tropes calls a "Suspiciously Similar Substitute" was kind of a bad turning point for the show—and when I went from a loyal viewer to a casual, sometimes, if it happens to be on while I'm flipping viewer.

You know a troll is bad when he makes you miss Sluggo.