Lemon of Troy

That doesn't look very scary. More like a six-foot turkey.

There’s too many watch collectors on this island. Ten thousand dollars for me, by myself. For that, you get the face, the wristband, the whole damned thing.

The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the mash-ups will look up and shout "Save us!"…and I'll look down and whisper "No.”

"I sure can't wait to get Out of Africa."

Such a message can be oddly comforting. I've read it's why skulls are often featured in Hindu and Buddhist rituals and artwork (skull-shaped prayer beads, for example)—Life is transient, so relax.

When you break fragments off of a child to fashion arrowheads, hide scrapers, and other tools.

A new Don Henley album?

Why did you stop? Learn to multitask!

"It's not a cookie until it comes out of the oven."

Toonces did it first.

They do stuff on food sometimes. Food is part of culture, and I'd say fast food and junk food are therefore pop culture. So the occasional article on Taco Bell, Oreos, and the like seems fitting to me.

Very few avatars are updated live. It's a terrible strain on the gimmick poster's wrists.

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."

I'll field this one. Let me ask you a question. Why would a man whose shirt says "Genius at Work" spend all of his time commenting on a pop culture website?

"A Star is Burns" (the one with the film festival) does a great job of that, too.

Yeah, but it's pretty impressive when you stop to consider that only the first 8 or 10 seasons count.

"I'm beginning to think there is an appropriate Simpson's reference on AV Club for every occasion"

Simpsons_Quote_Generator, when you first showed up, I didn't really see the point. On a website where the commentariat practically scrambles over one another to make the same Classic Simpsons references, the concept sounds redundant. Pointless.

I saw it at Planet Hollywood, next to the cane from Citizen Kane.