
Jennifer Lawrence
…Looks hot in blue. Just sayin'.

Is just not right. At all.

Even saw the first season…

Franco Franco Franco Franco. Franco Franco!

For me, Goodfellas and Monty Python's Life of Brian. My dad started showing me real movies when I was 12 or so, and my first reaction was "WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME THIS?", followed quickly by "OH MY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME!"

You've got red on you.

Nothing for Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World or Never let Me Go? I am SHOCKED and APPALLED!

Tee hee hee! References!

I like The Smiths and Modest Mouse and The Cribs as much as the next guy, but I would be lying if I said I didnt scroll through the entire comments section to see if anyone posted an uncensored verion of the "Men's Needs" video…

I agree wholeheartedly, Inspector X. I've never read Death Note, but I do love me some Scott Pilgrim!

Sure is great that Genevieve is hot. I was begining to worry that everyone who worked at The A.V. Club was unatractive, which as I'm sure you've learned from society, affects how valid your opinions and beliefes seem to me…

My brother…
insists they already made an american adaptation with Zac Efron in the lead. Too lazy to IMDb. Help me out, nerds!

I live in Canada, and I have no idea what happened. probably because I'm so ignorant. So ignorant in fact, that I am actually proud that this is my one hundreth post on this website!

What the smeg?

I knew I should have said Stephen Malkmus…

is a dark day for nonsense. At least we still have Beck…

I havent seen 8 mile…
I'm just going for two in a row…

Well, I could go for the firsty…
But I didn't like Iron Man at all…

Are you sure it wasn't the dude from Sugar Ray?

0 reasonable discussions about a Vin Diesel movie?
Sounds about right.