
Perth to Darwin along the coastline is impossible.

Geez it shits me no end when Americans call people from other nation's racist. You guys didn't invent racism but you bloody well perfected it, and you have the hide to lecture to others on the subject. But that is a typical Yank attitude. PS I am an Australian. Why do you guys label everyone over there?

I don't want to be that guy, but I don't know who is more pretentious and self reverential, R.E.M or the guy who wrote this article. Maybe R.E.M. made him the way he is. Anyone else noticed how AV club writers all grew up in small towns that never held them back even though they tried to.

Am I being pedantic if I say he had nothing to do with Silence of the Lambs?? Yes, probably…

"Blackface is culturally acceptable in Australia"? If this is true then hanging people from trees is culturally acceptable in the USA? What seems to be the case is Americans trying to force their post-racist guilt onto other cultures who don't find black face as unacceptable. I am white and wasn't offended by the

That is an extremely broad statement to make about the people of Australia. If I can assume you are from the USA then I would say that is the pot calling the kettle black (faced). I've learnt enough of US culture to safely say that the USA is at least as racist as Australia. I know it's not a competition, but ever

Any chance we can get and English-Hebrew/Yiddish dictionary link on this website? WTF's a schlemiel? And a minyan? Should I know these words??