Carefully Chosen ID

Did the data for this study cum in one big gooey, molten, explosive wad? Or did it dribble in like from some rickety ancient irrigation pump?

In my…

Statistically speaking the USA is the Cream of the Cock.

Al Roker is his weatherman.

As he struggles to extricate himself from the "interrogation" couch.

In my factory days we spake boldly of the glorious revolution when the fatted Bourgeoisie would smell their own cholesterol choked blood flowing in the streets. We also chatted amiably about Elaine dancing like a loony bird. Good times.

You smell Fish?! Ask her to cross her legs. No, that's not PC. Ask her to give it a spritz of lemon juice.

Cheap, dingy, ragged minds think alike.

This mythical "sane" person of whom you speak, have you photographic evidence? Perhaps a plaster casting of a foot print? Or maybe an excerpt from an astonishingly rational and clear minded posted rant against a randomly selected mentally afflicted individual?

In high school and college I often tutored students in a mental health facility which operated as a school catering to academically challenged youth but in practice was a warehouse for emotionally and mentally troubled kids. There were countless hilarious episodes, innumerable hysterical incidents which defy general

She's the inverse, alternate, parallel universe, anti matter version of Billy Bob Thorton. (Also would have accepted Tom Waits.)

But, despite her SNL "fiasco" (which I personally had no problem with) Lana does at least put more meaning and nuance into her songs than most other pop starlets. I realize that's not actually saying that much, but I think her rich, privileged, surgically enhanced image is what pisses people off, more so than her

Soylent Green is People?!!

Shit, that looks pretty damn good. That just might be the best trailer I've seen in many many years. But then again, I eat lead paint and have bad health coverage. No, that's not true. I have no health coverage.

Isn't all advertising a parody of the mindless, voracious, despicable consumerism that is rapidly destroying this planet's fragile biological web? Yes, yes it is.

Just wanted to express my deep appreciation for you promptly eventually catching that (potentially catastrophic) typo in the article title. Cracking good work, AV Club!

You had me up till the dreadful moment when you declared that The Middle is something fantastic. Don't get me wrong, The Middle has some truly funny moments and solid performances, but the dialog and premises are all a bit labored, maybe even derivative. Many of the "situations" are just recycled old sitcom tropes,

It's such an off beat, quirky kind of humor that it's easy to misunderstand the show as corny, derivative and smug. But if you appreciate that nostalgia is often an untrustworthy, treacherous basis for historical review, then the show suddenly pops into clear focus as a spoof of the genre. It's still got some kinks to

Actually, one of the most damaging and pernicious forms of racism today is the lazy, time filling kind, when ostensibly intelligent, mature, enlightened people allow themselves to tolerate casual, low level racism. It's those moments which most infuriate me because those seemingly innocuous racial quips are

I've only had one Family Guy discussion at a party and that was 16 years ago. It was a discussion about why only some people can hear Stewie talk. Has that ever been conclusively determined?