
£7 for a movie? What a bargain! They're usually £10+.

Watched it without issue in the UK….

Antiphon by Midlake. Seriously. No idea what I loved about it, but it's a great makeout album.

Oh. Well, that sucks. I prefer my memory of him being a hot gentleman interested in saving her from her idiotic existence.

Can someone remind me again why Sookie didn't just get together with the Vamp-Faerie from last season? Worrel or whatever the fuck? He was hot and seemed like he had the best of both worlds going for him. If I were Sookie, I would have definitely got on that train.

I watched the finale, but I couldn't tell you anything that happened in it. My brain his removed all memories of that show except for the first season.

I was sick and tired of Sylar not being naked in my bed.

That'll run you a few bucks at most.

Not a single mention of the alien Nazi plot?! Come on! That was the best/worst thing about this show.

Without a doubt they are the most compelling couple on the show. I still think a show with them and Lafayette just doing whatever the fuck would be better than anything that happened after season 3.

When she said that, I was like, "Oh. How convenient."

I have seen him on One Tree Hill. Maybe you're confusing head shape with haircut?

Sookie's conversation with Bill about Six Flags was one of the worst things I've ever experienced on this show. I'm beginning to think that she hit her head on that ride and stopped developing emotionally. It would make a lot of sense in terms of the show's inability to develop Sookie over the course of show.

Sookie's conversation with Bill about Six Flags was one of the worst things I've ever experienced on this show. I'm beginning to think that she hit her head on that ride and stopped developing emotionally. It would make a lot of sense in terms of the show's inability to develop Sookie over the course of show.

I was so confused by that! Who was it, then?

I certainly hope James and Lafayette make out. If the show killed off everyone but Lafayette, Eric, and Pam, it would be a success in my eyes. Everyone else is just terrible. Not even Alcide's hotness can save him (but if I were Sookie, I would have left that town several seasons ago to be with him).

"Sweet wedding"? What was sweet about it? The dude proposed to her while lying to her, killed Zelena, used magic to mess up the taping of the murder, and is just as evil as ever. Don't get me wrong, he's the second most interesting character on the show (Regina is the first), but there was nothing sweet about that

The last book was so boring. Splitting that into two movies? Awful.

I don't even know if I saw anything for this. Granted, I haven't gone to the movies since late December, nor have I watched much TV, but I didn't even know this was a thing.

Yes, I realize they use cue cards. They also rehearse (and have a taped dress rehearsal) so they should be at least somewhat familiar with their lines. She was not.