
Castle is far more polished, though. Bones doesn't characterize its entire cast characters as well as Castle does, mostly because Hart Hanson sucks.

This show's quickly falling from Curb-lite to don't watch-territory.

"This can only end poorly."  Hah.

I don't think this show will ever be about character development. It's Curb-lite lite. The show's potential is being Curb-lite.

So, quick story: my TV is routed through WMC, and I set up a quick macro that will ring a siren and play that Flo-Rida song whenever that drunk Ron Swanson dancing scene ever appears (I programmed a free tuner to latch onto the channel playing P&R when the guide sees a P&R listing and does audio matching to that

That was both funny and tremendously disappointing.

The last scene of the episode might be one of my most favourite TV scenes ever. The perfect example of the good times between star-crossed lovers.


Amazon Instant Video should have saved the show. Missed opportunity.

Oh Ty… The upcoming school year's gonna be some messed-up whack.

@cruelcumber: It was. They had been looking for any opportunity to reassign or fire her.

Coto suffered too much from the issues that plagued P&R with Jamm, I think.

Katrine and Kasper — star-crossed lovers by the book.

Birgitte is a REALLY good politician. If there's one thing I appreciate about the jump from series 1 to series 2, it's the fact that they expect the audience to just know that Birgitte is really good at her job. Of course, it's to the adverse effect of her personal life.

Daphne is just awful — that must be it. Plus, Blair Redford has zero chemistry with Marano.

Part of me wishes this show went the Parenthood route and didn't introduce the Callie cliffhanger.

Who's more awesome: Jude, or Jabbar (from Parenthood)? Tough, IMO…

Kudos for managing to write about the Dodgers without one Puig reference! (That takes talent)
