No. 18-34 and 18-49 matters most because they are the "hardest to reach". Advertisers pay more to reach target customers who are the hardest to reach.
No. 18-34 and 18-49 matters most because they are the "hardest to reach". Advertisers pay more to reach target customers who are the hardest to reach.
@ThatGirlFromIpanema: But T&A, man. Jessica Pare is gorgeous.
But hey, Showtime is the channel that gives us Homeland and Shameless, so it's not all hopeless.
Not cool man. You may not like golf, but that 4.1 rating shows that plenty of people — including myself — do.
** Don't they both decide which clients to take on, and what strategy they pursue in important cases?
As Bond would say, the firm needs more direction. It doesn't have a strategy.
I think it's also a gateway for Megan's development, seeing what happens when Don is caught in flagrante.
Said a different way — like the show's pointing out —, vigilantism is a dangerous method to achieve justice.
Next week's either gonna be freaking A+ awesome or a total bust, I just have a feeling.
Also, it's prominently clear that Cyril is with Lana for the sake of the idea of being with Lana, the fact that Lana is the trophy wife that obscures his shortfalls and insecurities. Meanwhile, Archer loves Lana for who she is, despite being his jerk self.
It's amazing how awful Cyril has become. What an incorrigible douche…
The more I reflect on it, it became uneven because the show didn't have a vision or the next step after George and Tessa assimilated to Chatswin. Now, a vision is forming, the emotional underpinnings and satirical bite that the show originally had is back.
@Baked Bean Teeth: [And the whole gang of guys proceed to ceremoniously sing it in front of Lilith]
As long as they keep Parenthood, as long as they keep Parenthood (and Parks & Rec).
Probably realized the strength of the show was its sketch-layout, and thus they didn't care. Plus, so many cast changes and lack of secondary character development, so it's not like order matters so much. Kinda like the Happy Endings season 1 treatment.
The omission of Parks and Rec, inclusion of the current incarnation of HIMYM, and the lack of Archer-ness (although fair enough if you don't consider it a sitcom) makes this list much sad. No Suburgatory (of at least season 1), either? Or Raising Hope?
Plus add Alley's amazing physical comedy skills, and the nutjob angle just felt in place.
Once they toned down Rebecca's character, the last few seasons are just as fun.
Is it bad that my favourite episode of Cheers ever is "One Who Hugs, the Other Doesn't"?
Phrasing? Phrasing?
It's not like I'm complaining though… Jessica Pare is just gorgeous.