
Thanks for spoiling Seasons 5 and 6. You suck!

No arguments from me there. I'm naturally biased against procedurals, but I loved Fringe (mostly because it became an amazing character-driven show stressing the primact of family), and I think POI is a very respectable show.

Except in Raising Hope, he was representing both sides equally as well/badly!

Pretty good? What else on network television is out there? The only other plausible answer is probably The Good Wife, and that's not on the up-and-up. My opinion, but your standards must be high.

Crosby and Adam are not at parity salary-wise. IIRC, both originally took a 25% paycut from their old jobs. Adam was making six-figures (it was implied around ~$120k-150k or something around there), while Crosby was not making that much. Crosby did get a raise this season (in "There's Something I Need to Tell You"),

To provide a semi-plausible explanation, they all do live quite close to each other, with the exception of Joel and Julia.

I was watching Parenthood while on the treadmill last night, and I just started bawling during Victor's ceremony.

So I guess Drew pulled up that D in math (from last season), huh? I thought he wasn't good enough for Berkeley.

This show is always, to quote myself and 30 Rock for the umpteenth time, "everything sunny all the time always". Parenthood's always been about happy endings.

Part of me wants to equate that to the 15-episode order. If they had a full 22, there's probably more room for subtlety.

If I recall correctly:
- Joel's mom was referenced as dead in season 1 (this is the only assertion I'm not 100% confident on). Don't know about Joel's dad.
- Kristina has a frigid relationship with her parents (which is her parents' fault). This was elaborated on in "Road Trip", and affirmed this season with the

Substitute "meaningful" for "interesting". Pussy money weed is interesting.

FXX to the rescue… please?

She's doing pretty well on Suburgatory! (watch that show, it's great)

It also gives those people (I was one of them, skeptically) no reason to watch the show anymore, since it's really not that fun to hang out with these characters.

Tell that to Max Black.

Was it gift-shop Girl, or was it Turk using Gift Shop girl as the prime example?

I'm very sympathetic to that show (I call it Stockholm Syndrome), but last night's episode was patheticly bad.

@JudgeReinhold: No offense taken, I've just re-hashed this general argument enough over various forums that it's second-nature to say "I know what I'm talking about" regarding the business side of TV. It's a really fascinating industry.

@JudgeReinhold: You're right in essence, but you're also quite wrong. There are plenty of second-tier cable channels where these good dramas go to syndication. It'll probably end up on Oxygen, Lifetime, etc. No need to explain the system to me.