
This just sucks.

This just sucks.

Terra Nova? More like Terra SNORva, amiright?

i dig interruption of bear hibernation.

"The last time a professional sporting league went on strike and caused a
suspension of play was August 12, 1994, when the Major League Baseball
Player’s Association went on strike."

if you'd been a dog, they would have drowned you at birth.

he tries too hard. and what's with the purple dinosaur costume? give it up already!

Huh Nabin?
"McGregor and Zellweger don't a man and a woman."

Period Peace
"…an arc to it that isn't that far removed from the ossified costume romances that clog up arthouses all year 'round." Scott Tobias re: Bright Star

is a minus? Mad Martagen influenced my childhood along with Howling Mad Murdoch, Mad Magazine, Paul Riser on Mad About You, Ronald Regan….

the things is….
man! sitek has really learned to package that TVOTR sound. couldn't you hear tunde singing that song in place of scarjo?

good v. evil
Ben Linus = God
Charles Widmore = Devil
Island = Heaven or Purgatory?
Alex = Jesus
Penny = Eve
Desmond = Adam
Jack Kate Sawyer Locke Hurley et al = fucked up like the rest of us

ultimate reality
i saw dan deacon about a month ago and "ultimate reality" opened up for them. it was a good live experience specifically aside from the pre-recorded music there were two drummers playing live along with the arnold videos. quick aside how many "indie" bands are gonna use the two drummer schtick? i