
I'm sad about this because I always get the warm fuzzies from successful comebacks … but the thing about lots of celebrities being interested is just sad. Obviously they ran into Arsenio or his manager and were like "oh yeah, I'm really interested in being on your show," but they were just being polite and couldn't

I read fiction more for story/character/feelings than ideas (those I can get elsewhere). Sci fi can have all four elements; like all genre fiction, it can be good or bad. But if I'm sitting on the beach I'd rather read Nora Roberts than Robert Heinlein. Sorry fellow lady-nerds, honesty is not always pretty.

My prediction for the finale is that it will be revealed that the Mother did indeed die prematurely and that Ted will reveal he spent literally years telling the kids about his friends because they are also like family to them (the kids) and now that the mother is gone he (Ted) wants the kids to rely on them (the

In my head I've always pronounced it Houyhnhnm like the horse-creatures in Gulliver's Travels.

He appears to live in Brighton.

One of my favorite all-time comedy moments is Stephen Fry as the general looking at the wrong side of the map and saying something like "Damn, it's a featureless void out there …"


He was kind of a drag in The Namesake. Harold and Kumar was a million times better. He should stick with comedy.

Sounds like this generation's What Dreams May Come.

Of all the FNL actors, I would root for Teegarden the least. Maybe it was the writing but her character was totally unsympathetic.

You forgot the ellipsis!

Marina Sirtis (I am 1000% kidding.)

This is kind of a ghoulish exercise, but yes, Leonard Nimoy for me too. (And I agree with KJB, Shatner kind of seems like he will outlive us all.)

Hear hear. She really committed as Jenna and it was a beautiful thing to see.

She was also an excellent straight woman in Zoolander.

Fair enough.

Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day to us all!!

And once you win her over with the music she likes, then you can "get" her!

Looks like sufficient grounds to greenlight an Xmas movie which probably also won't cost very much to make.

Do they go out for Chinese food and a movie by any chance?