
So true about Something's Gotta Give!!!! I don't know why because he really is not that good of an actor, but I fall in love every time Keanu's on the screen.

I've never been a pot smoker but I like to have a beer now and then. And guess what? Even one single innocent beer makes me exhausted when my kids wake me up at 6 a.m.

I just … I worry there will be insufficient Cumberbatch in Elementary. That's all.

If you think about it, Moriarty killed the boy who bullied him too (but then a lot of other people as well)

"Arts criticism" … is that what we're doing here?

I think all three.

"uneasy balance of arch superhuman and floundering man-child": yep, she nailed it.

I think that's about right.

Yep. At the risk of comparing the (sometimes) sublime to the ridiculous, this reminds me of when the author of the Twilight books refused to publish the "Twilight from Edward's point of view" book because someone leaked part of it. Thus was the world deprived of a minimum of 200 pages of mopey vampire obsessing over

I had forgotten about "Without a Clue"; thanks for the reminder! Great casting there and as I dimly recall, a fun movie.

Someone who knows a bit more about these things than I do said a psychopath is a sociopath who is also crazy.

It was sufficiently angry on John's end, but yeah, the way the episode continued to let him be used as a punching bag was uncomfortable to say the least.

Or was until Mycroft allowed him to be killed to further the interests of the crown?

"All mouth no trousers"—that's a new one to me. I like it!

Speaking as a red-blooded woman, I agree with you.

SPOILER (should have put that in more of my comments, sorry internet), but I haven't seen anyone comment on the AWESOME scene where Sherlock and Moriarty really … see each other for the first time. I know it was part of dissing the fans, but I greatly enjoyed it.

Interesting perspective, that puts a different spin on John putting the flash drive in the fire. No one wants to hear your back story, female character.

The British have some weird customs.

I think it's not so much that he'd be a suspect in the shooting as that he'd be dragged into the investigation, possibly as an accomplice.

Interesting about how quickly Mycroft recovered from being drugged, that occurred to me too. But it would be irritating if, yet again, Sherlock and Mycroft pretended to have an argument in front of John to conceal their deeper purpose. Why bother? Couldn't they just let him in on it, or talk about it when he's not