Yeah, that was annoying. Also, I wanted to know what Sherlock thought of her fiance. Was he gay? Was he a criminal? What?
Yeah, that was annoying. Also, I wanted to know what Sherlock thought of her fiance. Was he gay? Was he a criminal? What?
Magnussen—creepy as he was—had nothing on Moriarty, who was also a blackmailer, had tons of information about people, etc., plus being a genius super-villain, which the short-lived Magnussen wasn't. So even though I get that he was horrible, I felt like there was a certain dearth of dramatic tension.
Yes. I have gotten pretty obsessed with this show (one particular aspect at least—you know what I'm talking about, ladies), but it goes past fan service into embarrassment when Sherlock says "I'm a high-functioning sociopath" for literally the third time, or when Sherlock and John have about twelve meaningful…
It just should have ended after Matthew and Mary got together. It was already pretty batshit before that but afterwards it got ridiculous. Especially the complete change in Lord Grantham's character, for the sole purpose of giving the plot somewhere to go.
That's excellent, thanks for sharing.
Yes. Most of all, it was funny, although certainly tinged with Thurber's signature bitterness about women and married life. I think the reason it became so hugely popular is that most Americans (maybe humans) have more than a little Walter Mitty in us. We all like to imagine we're secretly more awesome than…
Yep, this is the sad reality when mainstream movie stars get older and try to make art. See: The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel.
My local cafe is featuring an orange mocha latte (I think it's a coincidence and not a Zoolander tribute, sadly). I tried one and it was disgusting.
So specific. Why France? Why 1840s? The February Revolution? The presidency of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte? (Just fronting, that's all Wikipedia.)
I'm pretty sure a runcible spoon is a spork.
Everyone should end up with Keanu Reeves.
I love this movie sososososo much. The highway exit near our house crosses a street called Ryerson and every time I have to say out loud "Ned? Ned Ryerson????"
The oral history of Saturday Night Live (I forget the title) was really, really good.
They played this in the Beverly Hills 90210 Peach Pit After Dark! Edgy!
Not the shirtless t'ai chi?
Oh is that what it is? Is that what happened to Leonardo DiCaprio too?
You're damn right.
I know enough Spanish to get that joke! *Pats self on back.* Thanks, Spanish-speaking nanny!
Query: assuming Better Call Saul happens, which I guess it's going to, at what point do "Breaking Bad News Updates" become "Better Call Saul Updates"?
I knew he looked familiar!