
Well thank fucking God we can still watch things happen in Albuquerque. 

It's funny because it's true.  I have deeply crushed on him ever since MST3K days and if memory serves his boiler suit in that show wasn't much different from the Parisian nightsuit (which sounds to me like a euphemism for a condom or something, incidentally).

Just wait.  Srsly.  I am older than all y'all and from what I can tell this whole aging thing just keeps going until it … stops.

That first picture up top?  That right there is the true spirit of the British aristocracy.  Lady Mary isn't just unafraid of the great iridescent worm.  She is BORED by it.  Tally ho! 

What a mensch.  May he live freakishly long for his diagnosis.  Also, the Sea Shepherd Foundation, which he supports, is pretty badass.

Taking off her close-fitting hat and shaking out her luxuriant hair?  Isn't that how it was done in the theatrically gender-bending era of William Bud Shakespeare?

Wild Orchid (but maybe that counts as actual porn …).

Me too!!!  I always thought they kept a tiny bit of space between their mouths because otherwise … well I just couldn't wrap my mind around it.

Ugh Lydia ugh ugh ugh.

We more or less know he wanted to be a lumberjack once. Or at least continue to work with trees.

Oh, ok.  Thanks.

Did you have to be there, or is it supposed to be obvious why Radner's monologue about overeating is bone-chilling in retrospect?  She was never overweight and she died of cancer.  Does overeating cause cancer?  If so, tell me right freaking now because it's the only way I can stay up this late and get work done (and,

My law school graduation speaker was a very successful mass market paperback author (who I guess went to law school before becoming a writer).  It was clearly a canned speech and included an anecdote about how his child told her teacher her daddy made noodles for his job or some BS like that. 

Thanks for interviewing more women, this one is great!  Virginia Madsen is a perfect female counterpart to a lot of the down-to-earth, enthusiastic character actors you've interviewed (the Star Trek fandom is just a bonus).  Also, I love Candyman. 

That's exactly how I felt about United 93.  I started to watch it and I just couldn't.  Good movie that I will never finish.

That's not the one where Nicholas Cage wins the lottery?

True.  Also, I love America—no joke—but we are a country of lunatics.  Everyone thinks he/she is John Wayne and that millionaire superstardom is just around the corner.  Throw in guns and you've got a fucking mess.

I guess my concern is that someone might stub their toe on all those spent shells on the ground.  . 

I'm with you except large buttered popcorn and non-diet Sprite (which now that I generally eat healthier tastes like Joy dish soap, but oh well).

"She is in fact a man."  Blunt.  I like that in a spoiler.