
Was this the one with secret twins, or was that the other rival-magicians movie with Ed Norton?

Yes, this episode was special in that every. single. storyline. made me cringe.  In a way it was pretty masterful, but also depressing as fuck.

I really, truly, saw this in the theater.  At the time I had no idea it represented the push-pull between Woo’s signature style and the conventions of American movies.  I just thought it was fairly terrible, but Wilford Brimley kind of made it all better.

Loved this movie back when it came out, rewatched recently, still awesome. 

Young Walken!  Strange to see him so young because he sounds exactly the same and yet he's kind of a beautiful young man.  He does indeed walk all over the other guy, acting-wise.  But why is it Method acting, per se?  How do we know that?

Actually there should be more Random Roles with women actors in general.  I vote for Catherine O'Hara.

Tom Berenger was in Inception?  Somehow I totally missed that.

For some reason I was really hoping they would ask about the music video for Mr. Brightside.  Also "By the Sword" with F. Murray Abraham—I figured out the name by looking on IMDB, which gives the lie to my earlier notion that I am the only person who has ever seen or heard of this movie.

Do they really bond over kale?  That's pretty weak even for this type of movie.

Obviously you and your seven likes have never shared a small apartment with a spouse.

I love Random Roles.  It's such a great column (right word?)—it really allows actors to share interesting information and show they can be nice people.  And probably most of the ones who do these interviews are, since they're not mega-super-stars. 

Thank God.  My husband has been really into this show and I find it dull as dishwater.  Also, McNulty is way too old to be playing that character.

What about the synchronized swimming one with Martin Short from back in the day?  Or Eddie Murphy in Kill My Landlord (as I think of it)?  Those were awesome.

What about the synchronized swimming one with Martin Short from back in the day?  Or Eddie Murphy in Kill My Landlord (as I think of it)?  Those were awesome.

I haven't seen this movie but generic sounds about right.  Someone left an Alex Cross novel in the kitchen at work and I flipped through it—it was about 12 pages long and looked like it had been generated by a novel-writing computer.

I had this on videocassette when I lived in Queens in my impecunious twenties and my roomate and I watched Zoolander dozens of times.  It gets better every time.  Seriously.  There are no plot holes.  There are no slow periods.  It's an exquisite work of art that still makes me laugh even though I could probably

This is a good one if you don't like Gwyneth Paltrow (and I agree w/other commenters she is annoying as a figure but a good actress).  That scene where she chit chats condescendingly in Italian to the chick Jude Law is having an affair with is so painful it's exquisite. 

There's definitely a resemblance and it just goes to show you what a difference a little pigmentation makes.

There's definitely a resemblance and it just goes to show you what a difference a little pigmentation makes.

True that.