
He's hilarious.  I wish he would stay on the show.

I'm sure someone else has more or less the same comment, but: huh????  I don't get this reviewer's take on the Marnie plotline at all.  Why is it horrible awful quasi-rape?  Could it be … because it's happening to the pretty one?  I am a fairly easily offended feminist lady type and I just didn't see a problem with

This book sounds terrible.  Including a character with the name De'Ath seems like a tipoff that the whole thing is a joke.

Fawn not faun.

When I was an adolescent babysitter, I used to watch a hilarious show called Amen .. can I get an amen?

I read all of Sandman about 12 years ago and was very engrossed but somehow I liked it less and less as time went on … it's perfectly calibrated for the moment when you are a teenage nerd but as a nerd-inflected adult I'd rather read things that are less full of eyeliner and moody supernatural beings and twinkly magic

So late to the party … but you win for best comment, by far.  And a lot of attempts were made.

Apologies for invoking a catchphrase, but I think hipsterdbag is engaging in a bit of humblebrag here.

A while back there was an amazing review (in My Year of Flops, I think?) about a trainwreck of a movie in which Gary Oldman played a little person who was Matthew McConaughey's brother.  Someone link to it.  It had me in tears of helpless laughter.

"Yes, the heyday of the Tarantino copycat has come and gone."

The old video rental joint did occasionally have an advantage over Netflix in that way. 

I saw this movie eons ago, probably 1996.  What has stuck with me is the scene where the dying mother makes food for her family, and after she dies her husband makes them all eat the food.  Is that right?  That's how I remember it.

Lena Dunham had the advantage of filming in her parents' beautiful Manhattan apartment—that alone made it not feel like a mumblecore movie to me, just visually. 

Poke some holes in it with a fork and pour on some sherry.

I need Steffie!

Not me but the AV Club has since educated me.

True.  Although I did enjoy Jon Hamm's John Ham.

I don't think it's about critical cultural acumen ("CCA", hereunder), it's about bad attitude, which is unfun at parties.

Someone needs to give Parnell his own series.

I agree and would add that once would have been more than enough.